Replica Product Purchase Agreement

Thank you for purchasing products from our store. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, as they outline important information regarding your purchase of replica items.

Acknowledgment of Purchase
By purchasing these products, you acknowledge and agree that the items are replicas and not authentic. We strive to provide replicas that closely resemble the original items; however, there is always a possibility that when reselling these items, the buyer may realize they are not authentic.

We offer refunds under specific conditions:

  • Damaged on Arrival: If the product arrives damaged, you may request a refund.

  • Incorrect Item Received: If the product you received is not the replica you ordered, you may request a refund.

Refund requests must be initiated within 30 days of receiving the product. Please note that we do not take responsibility if you are unable to sell the items or if you encounter any legal issues related to their sale.

We DO NOT offer refunds

Responsibility Disclaimer
We do not take responsibility for any issues arising from your inability to sell the replicas or for any legal issues that may occur as a result of selling them. You are purchasing these products with full knowledge of their replica nature and the associated risks.

Return Process
We work with a USA-based supplier, and all returns will be made to them. Detailed instructions for returning items will be provided upon approval of your refund request.

Final Agreement
By completing your purchase, you agree to the terms outlined in this document.